Some public spaces may present more COVID-19 risks than others. A survey of four public health experts have now listed their top 10 and ranked them from 1-10 for the risk associated. 1 being the least risk, 10 being the highest risk.

Restrictions are lifting across many US states, as they are across the world, allowing people to take their own risks. To help assess the COVID-19 risks, scientists have listed five risks that the public should consider when they are deciding to venture out or not. They are:

  • proximity to people – practising social distancing
  • how likely will others practice safe behavior?
  • are you going indoors or outdoors?
  • how long will you be there?
  • personal health risks – ample hand sanitizer stations available etc.?

It’s a fine balancing act for any government, weighing up COVID-19 risks, protecting lives, protecting jobs, livelihoods and in essence, people’s sanity and mental health. However, the need to get back to our daily lives is growing more evident by the day. According to some doctors though, COVID-19 risks are going to be greater where people gather in large groups. These include bars and concert halls, that rank at 9/10 on the risk scores.

COVID-19 Risks

At the other end of the scale, the COVID-19 risks for a game of tennis are low at just 1/10. The very nature of tennis is to be distant from your opponent, much like golf. A surpise to many perhaps was that air travel/planes has a rank of 5, so medium risk.

COVID-19 risks scores ranked as follows: (1 = low risk | 10 = high risk)

  • Bars & large music venues: 9/10
  • Gyms, sports stadiums, amusement parks, churches = 8/10
  • Public swimming pools = 7/10
  • Hair salons & movie theaters = 6/10
  • Beaches, planes & BBQ’s = 5/10
  • Dentists & sidewalks: 4/10
  • Hotels, libraries, musuems = 3/10
  • Biking, running & walking = 2/10
  • Restaurant takeout & tennis = 1/10

When it comes to COVID-19 risks, it is surprising to see that no mention of restrooms were made. A space that carries more bacteria and germs than most areas.

Vectair Systems provide businesses with a range of effective hygiene essentials to help reduce the risks of COVID-19. 

Source: panel of medical experts